
My book is just the way I wanted it, so why do I need editing?

Undoubtedly, you’ve worked hard on your drafts to get the book just the way you wanted it.  But despite the best intentions, the product may still have rough patches that need more attention, still have confusing dialog, still have misplaced modifiers or simple comma errors.  Manuscripts with significant content or mechanical problems can reflect poorly on the author and, at worst, can disqualify a book with great potential from publication consideration.

With a strong background in editing and grammar, Book Mark It Promotions has the experience and skill authors need to produce a clean copy of their document before submitting it to agents or publishers.  Our approach is simple: make suggestions and improve mechanics while preserving the author’s voice.  This minimally invasive editing philosophy allows us to help you create the best documents possible while maintaining your artistic integrity.

Published on January 24, 2010 at 12:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

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